Sunday 25 September 2016

Why You Don't Have Six Pack Abs

Why You Don't Have Six Pack Abs

You've heard it before but you're going to hear it again...if you want slim abs stop with the 500 crunches every day! Below are five of the most common problems many folks face as to why they don't have six pack abs and their solutions.

Problem 1 - You have too much fat all over. You could have an aerobic competitor's muscle structure and nothing to show for it if you're carrying around extra pounds.

Problem 2 - You're eating the wrong food. Without the right diet even your vigorous cardio routine is useless.

Problem 3 - You're doing the wrong moves. Crunches only work the muscles at the front of the torso. They do nothing for your core muscle groups like obliques.

Problem 4 - You rarely use your abdominal muscles. Whether on the treadmill or doing push-ups, your navel should feel like it's being pulled toward your spine.

Problem 5 - You don't realize that it's not all your genes' fault. Fat distribution is at least 30% (can be up to 60%) determined by genetics.

The Solutions  


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