Saturday 15 October 2016

Living Healthy by Doing 5 Shortcuts to Aerobic Exercise Like a Pro

Living Healthy by Doing 5 Shortcuts to Aerobic Exercise Like a Pro

Staying fit and healthy is every individual's preference. To attain this objective they go to the gym, spend time there doing aerobics. Aerobics is considered one of the most effective ways to get rid of that extra fat that you have, tone the body and keep it in shape. The 5 shortcuts to aerobic exercise like a pro includes endurance sprints, stadium stairs, and sled drag. Doing these regularly tones your body and gives the chiselled physique that you prefer.
When you do aerobic exercises then there are two types of workout that you need to focus. One is the cardio workout, and the other is the strength workout. The cardio workout targets your cardio vascular system, it helps in proper blood circulation in the body, and increased blood circulation leads to the improvement of the muscular tissue thereby enhancing a person's physique.

Types of cardio workout
Endurance Sprints: - In such sprints, you need to do two 150 meter sprints with a gap of 30 seconds between each run. You need to complete the run within 20 seconds. This needs to be followed by three minutes of rest.
Another type of sprint is considered to be a healthy workout is when you do three 200 metre run with a gap of 30 seconds between each run. You need to complete each run within 30 seconds. After that take rest for three minutes.
Yet another sprint comes under the class of endurance sprint is when you do a 300 metre sprint and that too within 50 seconds. This needs to be followed by 5 minutes of rest.
Stadium stairs: - In this type of cardio workout, you need to sprint up stairs followed by walking downstairs. This needs to be repeated as many as 10 times and there should be a 10 second gap between each repetition. Post completion of the 5 shortcuts to aerobic exercise like a pro, you need to take rest for about 5 minutes.
Sled drag: In this type of workout, you need to load a sled with about 90 pounds of weight. Then, you need to do sprinting for roughly 30 yards. You have to make 8 such repetitions and between them you need to take rest for about 30 seconds.
Various strength work outs
• Power cleans
• Bench press
• Dead lifts
• Squats
• DB rows
• DB overhead press
• Burpees
• Pull ups
• Crunches
• Core plank
• Plate twists

The benefits of aerobic exercise
1. Doing 5 shortcuts to aerobic exercise like a pro on a regular basis is good for your health. Such practice enhances your endurance and stamina. Initially, it may appear that you suffer from muscle aches, exhaustion, but once you make exercise a habit, you feel good about it.
2. Doing exercise on a regular basis results in stress reduction. Such shortcuts to aerobic exercise increases certain hormone levels in the blood, sustaining good health.
3. If you engage in regular exercise then the chances of occurrence of heart disease is greatly reduced.
4. It makes your immune system strong thereby boosting your resistance to illness and stress.
5. It strengthens the joints and bones. The chances of occurring bone diseases like osteoporosis is greatly reduced if you indulge in regular exercise.
6. It also helps to decrease a person's appetite. You won't feel hungry quickly if you practice aerobics.
7. Such practice on a regular basis burns calories. This contributes to weight loss and enables controlling of weight.
8. Aerobics and its shortcuts make your lungs and heart strong. This enables the entire body to function properly. It also helps to increase longevity of human life.
9. An interesting fact about aerobics is that it reduces the risk for breast cancer among women. Researches reveal that women engaged in regular exercise have thrice less chances of developing breast cancer.
10. Aerobics reduces your blood pressure.
If you do exercises on a regular basis and take a balanced diet then you can make yourself feel good. Most people of the developed world do aerobics in order to reduce fat, burn extra calories, and make their physique attractive. The 5 short cuts to aerobic exercise like a pro increase their life span. They lead a healthy life. There are many places where you can take aerobic lessons. After taking lessons, you can practice them at your own place.


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