Friday 23 September 2016

3 Proven Ways to Boost Libido in Women

3 Proven Ways to Boost Libido in Women

Do you miss the robust libido that you once enjoyed?

Trust me, you are not alone. It's quite common for women to lose their appetite for sex in middle age and beyond. A lot of issues and factors can affect your libido. Some of such factors include fatigue, stress, money matters, relationship problems, medicines and their side effects etc.
However, it's possible to rekindle your desire to have sex. Listed below are some tips and tricks to boost your libido naturally:

1. Try to Boost Testosterone
Though testosterone is essentially the male sex hormone, women also produce it in small quantities. A drop in testosterone levels in your body is likely to result in a sharp drop in your libido.
One of the best ways to increase your testosterone is with the help of herbs like tribulus terrestris. Role of tribulus terrestris in enhancing testosterone is well documented. As a matter of fact, it happens to be one of the few herbs that can actually boost testosterone.
Some other great ways of increasing testosterone in women include the following:
  • More protein in your diet - Adding more lean protein to your diet can help enhance testosterone production.
  • Try ginseng - Panax Ginseng or Korean Ginseng is great for enhancing testosterone in both women and men. Not just this, it can also help reduce stress. It's important to keep in mind that stress is a libido killer and by managing stress, you can boost your sex drive.
  • Include good fats in your diet - Essential fats like Omega 3 fatty acids are important for the production of testosterone. Olives, salmon, sardines etc. are some great sources of such fats.
  • Say no to alcohol - Alcohol is proven to suppress testosterone production in your body. Try to avoid it when trying to increase your libido.

2. Boost Nitric Oxide Production
It's common knowledge that lack of blood flow to the genitals is one of the prime causes of poor libido or sex drive in both women and men. Nitric oxide acts as a catalyst in enhancing blood flow. This is because it plays a vital role in dilating blood vessels so that more blood can flow into the genitals resulting in better and fuller arousal.
It's possible to increase nitric oxide production in your body with the help of certain foods. L-arginine is an amino acid that enhances nitric oxide secretion quite effectively. Red meat, dairy, dairy products, poultry etc., are some excellent sources of l-arginine that you should consider including in your diet.
Watermelon is a great fruit that can help boost nitric oxide secretion in your body. Pomegranate is also excellent for enhancing nitric oxide production.
Some of the other foods for increasing nitric oxide include dark chocolate, walnuts, brown rice, spinach, oranges, beets, cranberries, garlic, black tea, cayenne pepper, honey, pistachios, salmon, onions, shrimps, peanut butter etc.
Include these in your daily diet and you would be able to notice a great difference in your libido within a few days.

3. Try Natural Libido Pills for Women
You can also consider trying libido pills that are specially formulated for women. They can be a blessing for you since they can do much more than just enhance libido.
Such pills can ensure faster and full body arousal, increase response to sexual stimulation, enhance natural lubrication and ward off vaginal dryness, alleviate other problems like hot flashes, mood swings etc.
Good quality libido pills are free of all kinds of harmful side effects and are recommended by doctors too.
So, if you want to enjoy a powerful libido, check out the Best Libido Enhancers that have helped thousands of women like you over the past few years.


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