Friday 30 September 2016

Stop a Toothache - The Little Known But Effective Hand Massage Trick

Stop a Toothache - The Little Known But 
Effective Hand Massage Trick

You know they hurt, but what exactly causes the pain and how can you stop a toothache? Anyone who has experienced a toothache knows just how painful they can be. You can't eat. You can't sleep. It hurts to smile, frown, twist or move your head, open or close your jaw, and even to breathe if air rushes past a sensitive tooth. What can be done to provide immediate toothache pain relief?
Before you can identify the proper remedy for toothache, it is important to understand what causes the pain in the first place. It's possible there's an infection in the tooth or gums. If you haven't taken good care of your teeth through good oral hygiene, then the pain could be caused by decay or a cracked bicuspid. Perhaps you got hit in the mouth or have an old jaw injury, sinus problem, or even just left over food particles from dinner trapped beneath or around a tooth. Regardless of the reason, knowing how to stop a toothache until you can get a proper diagnosis from a dentist is imperative.
One little known, but effective toothache treatment actually has nothing to do with the mouth. Instead it has to do with your hand, and more specifically the v-shaped area where your thumb meets your forefinger. Studies have shown that this toothache remedy can actually reduce pain by as much as 50% and generally works 60-90% of the time. Although there's no guarantee it will work for you, it's definitely worth a shot. Here's how you do it.
Get an ice cube and rub it for about 5-10 minutes across the v-shaped area between your thumb and forefinger. If it's too cold or harsh on your skin, you can wrap it in a thin rag or dish towel.
The idea is that the rubbing impulses caused by moving the ice across your hand will travel along the same nerve pathways that your toothache pain normally travels on. These pathways are only capable of carrying one impulse at a time, so the ice effectively blocks out the pain and can stop a toothache in its tracks.
Toothaches hurt, but YOU have the power to stop the pain.
He nearly fell to the ground. It hurt THAT bad.
Are you suffering from tooth pain and desperate for a cure?


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