Thursday 6 October 2016

Healthy Eating - Important Information To Look For In A Protein Powder

Healthy Eating - Important Information To Look For In A Protein Powder

Are you on the hunt for a new protein powder? There is no shortage of options. One walk through your local supplement store and you will be met with seemingly hundreds of different varieties.
Which type will serve you the best? It can be hard to figure out which tub to choose, but by keeping a few key points in mind, you can do your part in weeding out the less than optimal varieties, putting your attention on those that come out on top.

Here are the most important points to check...

1. Total Calorie Content. First, take a quick look at the total calorie content. Protein powders can vary from around 100 calories per scoop for the very lean/low-calorie ones all the way up to 150 calories per scoop for those not so so lean.
Ideally, you will want to aim for one around the 110 to 120 calories per scoop unless your goal is weight gain. Then you may be more flexible and choose one with a higher calorie count.

2. Total Sugar Content. Next, consider the total sugar content. If the calorie count is lower, usually the sugar content will also be lower. But, double-check this to be sure.
Ideally, you will want to choose protein powder containing no more than 2 to 3 grams of sugar per serving. The lower, the better.

3. Type Of Protein. It is also important you take into account the type of protein you are planning on consuming. Is it a whey isolate which is a top of the line protein powder? Or is it a whey concentrate, which is a bit lower quality?
Or perhaps it's a blended protein powder. While there is no right or wrong here, it is wise to know what you are getting as this will influence how the protein powder reacts in your body.

4. Additives/Fillers. Finally, also take a look at whether there are any fillers in the protein powder: if it contains additives, artificial sweeteners, or other ingredients you just don't want in your body. If so, this is a good sign this particular powder is not an ideal one to put into your body.
While these sweeteners or additives may make the powder taste right, that doesn't mean it is healthy.
There you have the most important points to keep in mind when choosing a protein powder. Do a bit of shopping and research and you will find one that will serve you well.

Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.


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