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Sunday 26 June 2016

Venus Factor Xtreme

Venus Factor Xtreme

Body Fat Loss System – Lose 10 lbs Fast 

VFX Body Fat Loss System  is a new weight loss program targeted specifically towards women who want to lose 10 pounds or more. Here’s our VFX Fat Loss System review.

What is VFX Body Fat Loss System?

VFX Fat Loss System is a weight loss program that comes in the form of eBooks and downloadable videos. There is no physical product with VFX Fat Loss System: it’s a digital-only system that is delivered immediately to your inbox after making your purchase.
The Venus Factor Xtreme program was created by John Barban, who claims that he has dedicated his entire life to fat loss and nutrition research.
When he introduces the VFX Fat Loss System, Barban says all the things he knows you want to hear: he claims that the reason you’re fat has nothing to do with your diet and exercise routine, and that some people will struggle to lose weight no matter how much they diet or exercise. He claims that some women are making one small mistake that makes it “impossible” to ever lose weight.
None of that is true, of course, but it’s music to the ears of someone who has made a half-honest effort to lose weight.
Prior to creating VFX (Venus Factor Xtreme) Body Fat Loss System, John Barban had previously launched something called “The Venus Factor”, which contained many of the same principles as VFX. VFX is supposed to the be “Xtreme” or “Xtra” version of The Venus Factor.
So how does VFX Body System actually work? We’ll get into the meat and potatoes of the guide in the next section.

How does it work?

VFX utilizes unique diet and exercise strategies designed to help optimize the female metabolism and facilitate healthy weight loss while accommodating the individual lifestyle, preferences and demands of everyday women in the modern age. VFX customizes these unique diet and exercise strategies to the woman as an individual based on her current measurements, personal food preferences, schedule and exercise capabilities in order to help maximize her results. Custom nutritional software, meal plans and workout videos are provided as part of a distinct four phase plan VFX uses to help women experience healthy weight loss.

The creators of VFX specifically advertise four “phases” of your journey to a healthier weight:

Phase 1: Customized Nutrition

The VFX nutrition program promises to “tailor your diet and nutrition recommendations to your current body shape, size and activity level through custom nutrition software.” The recommendations include specific information about the number of calories you should consume as well as your different “macro” totals – like carbs, protein, and fat.

Phase 2: Customized Workout Program

Just like the diet program, this exercise program promises to offer you a workout that suits your current fitness level and body type. The workouts are short and easy-to-follow and can be performed at home without the need for a gym membership and with no equipment. There are a total of 140 instructional workout videos included with VFX Fat Loss System.

Phase 3: Community Support and Connection

This part of the program involves drawing support from fellow VFX members. The private community forum lets users share their experiences, recipes, nutrition, and exercise tips. You can also access it on your mobile device – which is why VFX describes it as a “support network right in your pocket 24/7.”

Phase 4: Advanced Customization

Phase 4 is the maintenance portion of the program, where you continue to build off the results learned in the first three phases. As the creator of VFX describes it, the fourth phase “provides advanced nutrition, exercise and lifestyle strategies designed to build from your progress made in the initial phases.” You also get private 1 on 1 consultations with VFX fitness coaches.

Monday 20 June 2016

Acne No More

unique and rare tips on how to treat 

         acne and         

achieve perfect clear 

skin in as little as 7 days

Acne No More :

 is an eBook that a writer created that claims to teach others how to holistically (read: not medicinally) clear their acne from the inside, using a variety of secret tips and tools supposedly developed by a medical researcher and nutritionalist and health consultant.It should be noted right in the beginning that a quick search of Google Scholar shows that the author (Mike Walden) does not appear to have any articles published in any major journals, at least about acne, nor does the name "Michael Walden" yield any results.

You skin is the largest organ in your body. Besides helping the body in the process of toxic elimination (One of the main acne contributing factors), it also protects your body against temperature changes, and from harmful invaders. 

By working with your skin and not against it you pave the way to an enhanced healing of the skin. Your skin will look and feel better; it will become more even toned and vibrant. 
On the other hand, by constantly doing the following, you are weakening the natural protecting capabilities of your skin, you are slowing the healing process of your skin, and are making your skin look bad and making your acne worse:


Besides lung cancer, heart disease and early aging of your skin (e.g. wrinkles), smoking causes the contraction of the small capillaries and blood vessels of the skin, thus depriving your skin from the essential oxygen I needs for the creation and maintenance of healthy cells. 

2. Using Topical Steroids 

Over the counter or prescription cortisone based creams, especially the potent types, can eventually thin your skin and worsen your acne condition in the long run in addition to the irritation, redness and other side effects steroid creams can cause. Moreover, topicals by definition address the symptoms of acne (inflammation, itching, puss), they do not treat the root cause of the disease. Nevertheless, taking care of your skin externally is highly recommended but should be performed gently using pure natural ingredients such as diluted tea tree oil.
Acne No More

3. Taking Antibiotics 

Antibiotic treatments like tetracycline aggravate your acne in the long run and also severely damage your internal system in the process. Antibiotics destroy all the bacteria in your system including the good, probiotic bacteria like acidophilus that have many essential qualities that promote clear skin. One of these qualities is the ability to protect your digestive tract from parasites and fungus (that constantly stress and damage your liver, one of the most important organs responsible for the healing process of your skin). 

4. Shaving with Four-In-One Razor blades 

Never use these four-in-one razor blades when shaving especially if you have large bumps and painful cysts. The reason is that blades that guarantee the “closest shave” will cause severe irritation and will damage your skin. Always use a single blade when having “live” acne.
5. Picking Your Skin (popping and squeezing included) 

Never, never and ever touch, pick or squeeze your blemishes, regardless of how temping and “safe” it may seem. By doing this unprofessionally, you make your acne worse by aggravating your existing inflammation and pushing the puss deeper and wider into the skin. There are in fact very effective and safe ways of dealing with small whiteheads or blackheads but I would strongly recommend leaving that to the professionals if you care for your skin and wish to prevent further scarring. 

6. Taking excessive amounts of Vitamin A 

Vitamin A from natural sources (green leafy vegetables and beta carotene fruit and veggies) and in small quantities can significantly enhance the healing process of your skin but when taken excessively it can seriously damage your liver and cause severe health problems and side effects. 

7.Use over the counters for your Rosacea 

That one is a no-brainer. Taking over the counters that by definition make your skin red and irritating is definitely not something you want to do when surfeiting from rosacea. If you suffer from rosacea, always consult your dermatologist prior to applying over the counters on your already inflamed and highly sensitive skin.
Mike Walden is a certified nutritionist, independent medical researcher, natural health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, "Acne No More  - Open The Door To An Acne Free Life." Mike has written dozens of holistic health articles and has been featured in ezines and print magazines, as well as on hundreds of websites worldwide. For information on Mike's Holistic Clear Skin program, visit: Acne No More Official Website

No Matter What Type Of Acne You Have Or How
Severe Your Acne Is, You Can Start Using This
Powerful System RIGHT NOW To Get The 
Clearest Skin You've Ever Had!

Saturday 18 June 2016

Toned In Ten REVIEW

Erin Nielsen’s “Toned In Ten” Program – Our Full Review

Toned In Ten REVIEW

Hi there !
welcome to our review on “Toned In Ten” by Erin Nielsen. 
As always, this review will be divided into 3 main sections:
1. The basics section that focuses on the major things Erin Nielsen offers inside her program.
2. The pros and cons section that includes the primary benefits and drawbacks which we think you have to know about Erin Nielsen’s system.
3. The conclusions section where we share our final thoughts on the Toned In Ten program…
Happy reading!
ATTENTION WOMEN: Are You Tired of Looking Old and Struggling to Lose Belly Fat?

Discover How To Look 10 Years Younger, Get a FLAT Stomach, and a LEAN Body In Only 10 Minutes a Day With These Secret At-Home Workouts

The Basics
Created by Erin Nielsen, a 41-year-old physical therapist, certified Pilates instructor, and a Primal Blueprint Certified Expert, “Toned In Ten” is an easy to follow program that contains exercises which can help you transform your body into a fat-burning machine, eliminate cellulite, and make you look younger just by exercising 10 minutes per day. 
Toned In Ten REVIEWErin believes that CDC’s recommendation of 5 hours moderate-intensity exercise per day is the reason many people are overweight, unhealthy, and look older. She says that long, slow cardio is one of the worst exercises because instead of shedding the extra weight, it causes your body to put on more weight and damages your organs and skin due to oxidative stress.
In addition, inside her Toned In Ten program Erin Nielsen talks a lot about the role of HGH (human growth hormone) in making individuals look younger. She says high levels of this hormone could slow down or even reverse the effects of aging, especially on your energy levels, physical appearance, and memory.
All the information that Erin Nielsen shares can be found in the main guide of her “Toned In Ten” program, and more specifically, here are some of the topics you can expect to learn inside:
  • The reason why calorie counting is useless.
  • What you can do to shed off 10 up to 20 pounds in just one month.
  • How you can use specific nutrition techniques to speed up your results and eliminate workout plateaus.
  • Proven ways to get leaner and stronger muscles without going to the gym or using any equipment.
  • Why it’s important to limit your consumption of certain foods to correct hormone imbalance, which in turn prevents your body from storing fats.
  • Why long, slow cardio workouts are not helping you melt those stubborn fats, and so on…
In addition to the Toned In Ten main guide, inside her program Erin Nielsen also offers these four bonus items:
1. Follow Along Workout Videos – These follow-along videos by Erin will keep you motivated and show you exactly how to perform each 10-minute exercise to minimize injuries and avoid confusion.
2. Nutrition Guide – To maximize fat loss, this guide will tell you exactly how to eat and what to eat without starving yourself and counting calories.
3. Youthful Secrets – This guide shares Erin’s personal secrets to looking up to 10 years younger than her actual age.
4. Grocery Shopping Lists – As what it hints, this shopping list will make sure you know what to buy at the grocery store to save time, money and energy…

The Pros And Cons

The Pros

Get Toned In 10 Minutes
What’s not to like about that? We are sure all of us can find at least 10 minutes worth of free time in our daily schedule. If we have it our way, we prefer to do this in the mornings because it’s a great way to start the day – boundless energy, improved thinking, glowing appearance, etc. 
Claims Supported By Science
It’s really not that hard to verify most of Erin Nielsen’s claims. For instance, HGH (human growth hormone) plays a major role in melting body fats and increasing muscle mass. There are two powerful stimuli that could increase its levels in your blood: sleep and exercise.
Is 10 minutes of exercise enough to increase the release of HGH?
This study has shown that a 10-minute high-intensity exercise was enough to boost consistently the levels of circulating growth hormone in adult males. Unfortunately, we didn’t find enough clinical studies to confirm the link between HGH and aging.
Relatively Affordable
As of the last time we checked the Toned In Ten website, Erin Nielsen is offering her program for slightly less than $20. We highly believe that’s already affordable if we compare it to other fitness programs, which usually sell for $40 and up on average. In addition, the exercises in this program don’t really need any special equipment, just your bodyweight, so you don’t have to shell out more money.
Easy To Follow
We are really fond of video demonstrations because they make it easier to follow and learn each exercise. Moreover, they minimize the chances of hurting yourself due to incorrect execution of the exercises. That’s why we are glad that for the low price, Erin also included follow-along videos in the Toned In Ten package.
Nutrition + Exercise
There is no doubt that diet plays a major role in weight loss success, and the problem with some fitness programs or individuals is that they focus only on the exercise part. Fortunately, Erin Nielsen also included a bonus nutrition guide and shopping list to maximize your results.
60 Days Full Refund Offered
If you’ve followed and implemented all the exercises and tips Erin Nielsen shared in the Toned In Ten system but didn’t get any results after several weeks then the good news is that you are fully covered.
Erin explains that if you are disappointed with the Toned In Ten program for any reason you can simply send her an email and she will return to you every cent you spent on the program…

The Cons

Not A “Quick-Fix Fitness Program”
Toned In Ten is not a miracle fitness program and you may not see any improvements in your body after only several10-minute sessions. From different testimonials we have found online it seems that most people saw significant results only after 4-6 weeks when they followed the program.
Requires Hard Work
Any fitness enthusiast knows that getting fit entails hard work. You’ll have to stick to the program and dedicate the required amount of time and effort to achieve a healthier, leaner, and stronger body. If you’re not ready to invest “hard work,” you shouldn’t be exercising at all.
Digitally Formatted
The “Toned In Ten” program is available in downloadable PDF and video versions. If you have a slow internet connection or prefer leafing through a physical book, this one may not be the best option for you…

Long Boring Cardio hurts your joints

Long boring Cardio AGES you faster

Long boring Cardio blocks fat loss

Toned In Ten Is The Secret To Defy Your Age And Reshape Your Body In Just 50 Minutes Per Week

To Celebrate The Release Of The Toned in Ten Program, Grab Your Copy Today And Get INSTANT ACCESS To 4 FREE Fat Loss and Youth Enhancing Bonuses To Accelerate Your Results Even Further.

Thursday 16 June 2016


Skin Whitening Forever Review 

Click Here to Visit the OFFICIAL Skin Whitening Forever Site!

Does it Work?

If you’re wondering how can I whiten my skin at home easily and safely then you have landed in the right place. Skin Whitening Forever is a 75 page eBook was written by Eden Diaz who is a specialized skin care consultant in the US.
In short, Skin Whitening Forever delves into the many parts that make up home skin whitening such as the ingredients to use, the method to follow and the lifestyle changes recommended to achieve results.
Diaz looks at the holistic approach to natural skin whitening, meaning that when you treat the body as the whole entity it impacts all areas of your health, including beauty.
It is strongly believed that following a holistic approach you will have better success at getting the results you want. And also note that the methods outlined in this book are not just for women, skin whitening for men can also be achieved by following this strategy.
This book takes a look at the different aspects that show you how to naturally whiten skin. Each chapter discusses these points and leaves you with a clear understanding of what habits need to be broken, the best ingredients for skin whitening and the diet tips that are recommended to get the results you desire.
Simply put, Diaz tells you what you need to avoid to keep dark spots, freckles, blemishes, and other skin conditions to a minimum. Then she offers a complete ingredients list of the all of the fruits, vegetables, herbs, dairy products, and essential oils that can be used for organic skin whitening and how to use them.
When will I see results?
Your skin regenerates about every 30 days give or take. It takes about that long to see results using just about any method you choose. As old skin cells die and are buffed away, new skin cells are created to take their place. When you change your diet, habits and use the natural skin bleach methods, you will see noticeable changes in a month’s time.
You might see some small results sooner than that, but the full effect won’t really take place until your skin cells have had a chance to go through a full cycle.
What can the results look like?

Skin Whitening Forever shows you how to lighten your skin using natural methods and it works! So long as you keep up with the suggested skin care ingredients, diet and habits you will see permanent skin lightening.
These methods are definitely worth the time and energy they take to implement and they will leave you feeling fabulous about yourself.

Click Here to get Lighter Skin Naturally!Visit the OFFICIAL Skin Whitening Forever Site!

Tuesday 14 June 2016

Outsmart Insomnia review - The Only Converting Insomnia/sleep

Outsmart Insomnia

Attention Insomnia Sufferers:

A new scientific breakthrough has finally revealed the true neurological cause of your insomnia… and researchers at the University of Oxford have discovered a simple, natural technique to cure your insomnia  as soon as tonight.

It’s the secret to falling asleep in 15 minutes or less every single night… sleeping peacefully all night long… and waking up well-rested and refreshed every morning…
It’s the key to erasing the anxiety you feel about going to bed…
And it’s so simple, it starts with a shake recipe you can make right now.
It’s all thanks to a team of neuroscientists who revealed how the medical industry has gotten itwrong about insomnia for decades. The root cause of insomnia isn’t stress, or hormones, or bad habits, or anything else you’ve heard before…
Insomnia is caused by an imbalance in your neural activity – you have too much activity in the “wake center” of your brain, causing your brain to literally fight with itself when you need to sleep.
But now sleep experts have a discovered simple, natural, and safe technique to slow down that neural activity, and “outsmart” your insomnia… without ever using dangerous, addictive sleeping pills.

Thanks to this discovery, thousands of people have used this Outsmart Insomnia technique to escape from the torment of their disease, and finally enjoy their lives again.

“So how do I do that?” I asked. “How do I fix my insomnia?”

“Let’s look closely at your problems,” he said. “And break down exactly what you mean when you say you want to fix your insomnia. I’m guessing there’s three different things you want:1: You want to get to sleep quickly…2: You want to fix your sleep schedule and fall asleep quickly every night…3: You want to actually sleep deeply enough that you wake up feeling refreshed.“Is that right?” he asked.“Right,” I said.“Okay, we’re going to tackle those problems one at a time.”“First, I’m going to make sure you know every trick in the book to fall asleep in 15 minutes or less. Every habit or action you can do to slow down the activity in the wake center of your brain.”“Next, we’re going to help you start sleeping regularly again. I’ll show you the exact activities that will program your brain for the long-term. You’ll be able to fall asleep quickly… every singlenight.”“Last, we’ll make sure you sleep deeply… and get the type of sleep that actually refreshes you, and helps your body heal itself.”

“That sounds amazing,” I said. “What do I do first?”

He explained the plan to me, and for the next 2 weeks we met every day.
I first used Ryan’s techniques for falling asleep in 15 minutes. I’m not going to say a miracle happened, but the first night, I used the “No Words Visualization” technique and fell asleep faster than I have in years!
Ryan told me that these first techniques were more of a short-term solution. They solved the problem that night, but in order for me to start sleeping regularly again, I needed something more.
So I jumped right into the next group of techniques.
I started with a trick to “Relax Your Brainwaves and Drift to Sleep.” It was the most relaxed I’ve ever felt while lying in bed.
But the real meat was “The Sleep Schedule Solution.” This uses research from the University of Oxford on how to slow down the wake center of your brain, and speed up neural activity in the sleep center of your brain.
Ryan had taken this research and turned it into a 2-week program, with simple techniques like setting your alarm for the exact time that will help you sleep regularly… and knowing what to do when you’re lying in bed and not falling asleep.

As I followed those night-time instructions, one night the most amazing thing happened:

After putting the kids to bed, I was sitting with my wife on the couch, and I nodded off!After 20 years of not being able to sleep no matter how much I wanted to, I fell asleep on accident!And this wasn’t the exhaustion I was used to, the kind where your whole body aches and begs for sleep but your mind stays wide awake.This was feeling sleepy. Both my body and mind were peacefully relaxing, ready to drift off.We went upstairs, and I slept until my alarm went off, 8 hours later.I was a little groggy when I woke up, but I couldn’t believe it! I’d slept through the night!As I followed his program, I had more and more nights like that.

After two weeks, most nights I was falling asleep quickly, and staying asleep.

It was amazing!But Ryan said the best part was still coming.I started using the techniques to sleep deeply, and my life completely changed.Ryan explained to me that sleep is more complicated than just REM and NREM sleep. There’s actually 3 stages of NREM sleep, and only the 3rd stage is the deep, rejuvenating sleep that helps you wake up feeling refreshed, and helps your body repair itself.In fact, you could sleep 10 hours every night, but if you don’t spend any time in Stage 3 Deep NREM Sleep, you’ll feel like you didn’t sleep at all.

So beating insomnia and falling asleep is only half the battle.

You also have to make sure you’re getting Stage 3 Deep NREM Sleep…And that’s exactly what I did with the last section of Ryan’s program.I used techniques like “In the Moment Thinking” and the “Stress-Free Tomorrow Protocol.” These are simple things you can do that help your brain produce the chemicals that will help you slip quickly into Stage 3 Deep NREM Sleep.After just a few days of such wonderful sleep, the world felt like a different place.

What would you be willing to give in order to sleep well again?

$1,000? $10,000?Since it could likely save you $100,000s in medical bills from insomnia-related problems, maybe even more?Well, Ryan and I knew this was valuable, but we weren’t about to take advantage of people.So we broke down the Outsmart Insomnia Protocol and looked at what other places were charging.Module 1: The Truth About Insomnia would cost around $35 in the store.Module 2: The Quick & Dirty Guide to Fall Asleep in 15 Minutes or Less would be about $47.Module 3: 3 Steps to Balance Your Brain Chemistry, Fix Your Sleep Schedule, and Cure Insomnia Forever would cost $39.And Module 4: The Neuroscientist’s Secrets to Deep, Satisfying Sleep and Waking Up Refreshedwould be about $53 retail.That’s a total of $174.Keep in mind, the research at the core of the Outsmart Insomnia Protocol is brand new. Before now, every “cure” for insomnia was only temporary. Other guides cost this much, and they don’t even fix your insomnia long-term.On the other hand,

The techniques in the Outsmart Insomnia Protocol are scientifically proven to  cure insomnia.

Most people we talked to said that curing their insomnia would be worth $1,000s.But Ryan and I want to spread the word quickly, so everyone can see that there’s finally a safereal,permanent cure for insomnia.In fact, we set a goal to help 1 million people Outsmart their Insomnia.To reach that goal, we’re cutting the $174 price down to only $37.That’s a savings of $140.

If you’re still here, that tells me two things:1: You care about your health and you’re ready to use the Outsmart Insomnia Protocol to start enjoying life again.And 2: You still have a few questions.That’s okay, it means you’re taking this seriously.So let me take a second to answer a few of the most common questions people have about the Outsmart Insomnia system.

Does the Outsmart Insomnia Protocol really work?

Yes! It’s based on a new understanding of what causes insomnia, and uses research from the University of Oxford to help people beat their insomnia for good.These techniques have already been used by thousands of people to erase their insomnia.It worked for me, it worked for them, and it can work for you.

How does it work?

The Outsmart Insomnia Protocol is based on two key points of medical research:

  1. Insomnia happens when the wake center of the brain stays active, even while the sleep center of the brain activates. Your brain is telling your body to both go to sleep and to stay awake.
  2. You can physically change your brain and your brain activity through certain actions, habits, and even by eating certain foods.
Ryan researched which actions and habits would repair the problems in your brain that cause insomnia. Each module of the protocol is designed to increase the activity in the sleep center of your brain, and decreased the activity in the wake center of your brain… so your brain stops fighting with itself, and you can finally cure your insomnia.

How long does it take?

Many people get the Outsmart Insomnia Protocol and fall right asleep that night.
For others, it takes 3-10 days to start repairing your sleep schedule. This a cure that will last a lifetime, so for some people it takes a little momentum to get going.
And the strategies to spend more time in Stage 3 Deep NREM Sleep will start working as soon as you start using them.
But whether you first see results tonight or next week, you can rest happy knowing those results will last forever.

It works for everybody

Anyone can use the Outsmart Insomnia Protocol. Whether you’re 15 or 105, man or woman, the techniques in this program will reprogram your brain to start sleeping easy again.
Of course, just getting the program won’t help – you do actually have to use the techniques.
But if you do the techniques, we guarantee results…

If you don’t see results, you’ll get a 100% refund.

What do I get with the program?

You’ll get instant access each module of the Outsmart Insomnia Protocol:
Module 1: The Truth About Insomnia, which will show you the recently discovered truth about what really causes insomnia…
Module 2: The Quick & Dirty Guide to Fall Asleep in 15 Minutes or Less, which will give you the tools you need to easily get to sleep…
Module 3: 3 Steps to Balance Your Brain Chemistry, Fix Your Sleep Schedule, and Cure InsomniaForever, which will help you get to sleep quickly every night, and is the only long-term insomnia cure that actually works…

…and Module 4: The Neuroscientist’s Secrets to Deep, Satisfying Sleep and Waking Up Refreshed, which gives you proven techniques to spend the most time possible in Stage 3 NREM Deep Sleep… the type of sleep that actually restores, heals, and refreshes.
How do I read the program?
The Outsmart Insomnia Protocol comes as a PDF which you can download and read on your computer, smartphone, tablet, or e-reader. Or you can easily print it if you prefer to read a hard copy.
Is this program safe?
Yes! Thousands have already safely used it to transform their lives.
And obviously, it’s also a good idea to get your doctor’s advice on medical issues like insomnia.
What if I’m not satisfied?
You’ll get 100% of your money back, no questions asked.
Think about it this way: you can try it out now, and you’ll have 60 days to test it out. If you’re not happy, just request a refund.

That means you can try the Outsmart Insomnia Protocol for yourself for ZERO risk.

Click the button below to say goodbye to insomnia as soon as tonight!